Saturday, July 1, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from The Pen Company

1. If your house was on fire, which three items would you save?
* "Delicate Pooh" (a Pooh Bear that sits in a big mayonnaise jar on display in the living room)
* A figure of my friend Gilbert Russak as Jack Point in a production of Yeomen of the Guard.
* My hard drives

2. What is the strangest or most awkward date you’ve ever been on?
It was in college.  I had a date with someone...and early evening...and when I got home, I had another date with someone else.

3. What are your biggest fears?
Alzheimers, being helpless, not dying in my sleep

4. How do you spend your time when you are procrastinating?
Doing things like this ... and watching TV

5. What has been your most memorable birthday so far, and why?
Probably 70 when there was a huge party and one friend flew in from Colorado for the day and flew home that night.  It was a Wizard of Oz theme and the birthday was shared with 2 other February birthdays.

6. What is your favorite snack?
Peanuts or cashews

7. What was your first pet?
A cat named Socksie that the manager of our local grocery store gave me when he heard I was home in bed with the measles.  He ran away.

8. What’s your favorite city in your country?
San Francisco.  Isn't it nice that I was born in my favorite city?

9. Do you have a garden?
Me? no.  But son Ned has planted basil and tomato plants, which I photograph each week from my office window.

10. What is your favorite thing about your home town?
My "home town" San Francisco, the views.  My home town, Davis how quiet and peaceful it is (except when people are being stabbed to death)

11. What was the last book you read?
Harlan Coben's latest.

12. What is the best book you have ever read?
Oh how do you pick just one???  But I'll choose an odd one -- "The Mother Tongue" by Bill Bryson, the story of the English language.  I liked it so much I gave a copy of it to everyone in the family the Christmas after I read it.

13. Who is your favorite author?
John Steinbeck and Harlan Coben ... I've read all of the books of each of them.

14, Is there a food that you hate?
Liver and beets, together or separately.

15. Do you get along with your neighbors?
We've lived here 50 years and most of the neighbors we knew years ago have either died or moved and I don't know the new people.  There are only two that are still here and we are cordial, but not friends.  

16. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Just one piercing in each ear; no tattoos.



Ned's garden this week, before he harvested
basil to make pesto for dinner



  1. Two dates in one night. I did that once, but it was more tha awkward... I loved SF but I haven't been there this century.

  2. I've always wanted to visit San Francisco! Maybe I'll get there someday. I laughed out loud when I read about the two dates in one night. I don't think I ever had two in one night but I do remember having a date with one person on Friday night and another on Saturday night. The current generations don't do it that way anymore.

  3. I can't imagine liver and beets together. Yuck. I don't like either one separately, either.


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...