Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Nice to be at the P.O.

 I feel like a normal person.  I actually went out today.  To run an errand!

I had several oddball things that needed to be mailed and supplies to pick up and it was just too complicated to try to ask Walt (who has been doing my post office runs for me) to do it, so I asked him if he would take me to the post office.

I had a regular package to mail, a thick letter I stamped, thinking I was mailing the swap in the U.S. only to discover that it was to be mailed to France and so needed international postage, and I also had my latest journal to mail and needed a flat rate box to put it in.  I also had other things that just needed to be slipped in the mailing slot.

The weather was so nice.  After 2 days of 100+ degrees, it was only high 70s/low 80s when we left the house and I was pleased.  When we entered the post office I noticed new things.  When was the last time I was actually there?  Two years?  Possibly.  But the one thing was was the same was the crowd waiting in line.

I got my business done in no time and then came home to lunch, enjoying checking out all the houses en route, and to continue the work I was doing on the computer.

I recently found a new photo software (paint.net) which is enough like PhotoShop (which I miss so dearly!) that I felt I could work with it, if I could figure out how to make it work.  I'm just starting to learn how to do it, but I did manage to come up with the Photo of the Day, which required cropping and pasting two crops onto a new blank sheet and then sizing it all.  I would have been SO much easier in PhotoShop, but alas, that can't be, so maybe I can learn how to perfect paint.net.  Thank goodness I knew PhotoShop so well and know what can be done, what to call the things I'm trying to do and how to work around the confines of paint.net.



Walt fell asleep
while eating a banana


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