Sunday, June 4, 2023


Walt goes off to the farmers market every Saturday.  In the summer it's great because of all the fresh fruit that is available.  He is particularly happy when he is able to get cherries, so he was happy when he came home today with a bag of cherries and some fresh apricots.

I loved that they were nice and fresh and delicious.  I had some for snack and a lot with lunch.  then I took my nap.

Ned had been in Sacramento helping a friend of his move things and when I woke up he had come home.  There was a bag on the kitchen counter and this was what was in it.  Ned and his friend picked all of the cherries off of their tree.

Oh my word1  I'm going to have to make cherry pie or something.  These are delicious.

I remember the first time I went cherry picking.  My parents took my grandmother to visit a friend of hers, who had a farm down on the peninsula south of San Francisco (now that's all homes; no more farms).  They had a big cherry tree and my sister Karen and I climbed it and picked cherries. I had never picked fruit off of a tree before.

Later, when the kids were growing up, we used to go fruit picking every year, mostly apricots and peaches, but one year we found a place where we could pick cherries and spent a long time in many trees picking cherries (first time I learned how to make cherry pie out of fresh cherries!).

I'm going to have to find my cherry pitter and pit a lot of  these cherries so I can make a pie!




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