Monday, June 19, 2023


Getting closer to having all my health issues dealt with for the year.  Today I went back to the eye clinic to have the earpieces on my new glasses adjusted.  Oh man, does it make a difference!  they have been digging into my head ever since I got them.  Love the glasses;  Didn't love how they felt.  But now they feel great.

I still have to make an appointment with a podiatrist, but that is the last "annual" thing that needs to be done.  I need more lab work done to check my iron levels, now that I'm taking iron pills, but don't have to see a doctor again for a year.  I hope.

Ned and Marta got home in time for us to all have Fathers Day dinner together.  I had bought a lemon chicken at Trader Joe's and cooked that so Ned didn't have to cook.

Did you see what I wrote in that paragraph?  I bought a lemon chicken at Trader Joe's.  That means I went out to a store and went shopping!  When was the last time I did that???  Several months ago, I went with Ned to the big supermarket and found that I could only make it through about half of it before I was getting very tired.  But Trader Joe's is the perfect size and I had such a great time looking at all the new stuff.

When we were at Marta's family's house for dinner a week ago, they served Brasilian cheese balls.  I used to make those and loved them and was thrilled  to discover you could now buy them frozen.  They are the weirdest thing to make that I've ever made.  They use casava flour that is so strange that every single time I've made them I get halfway through and am convinced that I've done something wrong because what I have is something the looks grey and feels weird.  But when it's cooked, it's delicious.  Now I don't have to ever make them again because I can just get them at Trader Joe's.

I am thrilled that the new season of Outlander has started.  The quality of episode 1 is so good it promises to be a good season.  STARZ is running it several times a day so I've seen it 3 times now.  I look forward to Friday when episode 2 will be on.



Bubba enjoying the sun     


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Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...