Saturday, June 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing

 Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves

Stolen from SwapBot

1) What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day?
Watching TV, reading, or playing around on the Internet.

2) What do you look forward to every week?
Well, since Season 7 starts tonight, I'd say watching the new season of Outlander each Saturday.

3) Name three pet peeves you currently have
I'd say anything that has the name of our 45th president in it, but that goes WAY beyond "peeve."  So here are 3 pet peeves:
- The things that get printed on the bottom of a TV screen while you are watching TV, covering up what you are watching.
- The blue jays who steal the nuts I put out to feed the squirrels
- All the email I get...and no personal emails at all.

4) If you were to win an all expense paid vacation for two weeks to anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go? What are some of the things you would like to experience while you were there?
I'd love to go to some African country where I could spend time seeing the animals in the wild and living in a fancy hotel (like the one where the elephants march through the lobby each day or the giraffes poke their heads in to watch people eat a meal.

5) What was one of your favorite toys as a kid? Did you save any special things from your childhood that you still have today?
Thinking back, I can't think of a TOY...more games, puzzles and books.  I have nothing from my childhood because my mother was a Virgo and when I moved out of the house she assumed I didn't want anything, so threw it all away.  (How I wish she hadn't thrown away my diary!)

6) What is your favorite holiday? What is your least favorite holiday?
Favorite?  Thanksgiving.  Least favorite?  Halloween (I always hated the whole candy much to let the kids eat, etc.)

7) Have you ever met anyone famous? What concerts have you attended?
I've met many famous people, perhaps the two most famous would be Judy Garland and Carol Channing.  My first concert was Judy Garland and the only "current" concerts would be the ones that Lawsuit, our kids' band, gave over 10 years.

8) Are there any expressions that people use that really annoy you? If so, what are they?
Any expression which indicates that the speaker believes #45 is an honest person who should be president....or that yeah, he's a dishonest person but he still should be president.

9) Do you like your name? Are you named after anyone? Is there a story how you got your name? Would you change it if you could? If so, what name would you give yourself?
My parents were going to name me Barbara after my aunt, but decided they didn't want two Barbaras in the family so they gave me her middle name, Beverly.  Ironically, when people can't remember my name, they usually call me Barbara.  I'm happy with my name...or Barbara!

10) It is said that it's the little things that make life worth living. Name five of those little things in your life
the squirrels that beg at our back door
- snail mail from pen pals
- Monk marathons
- My "Yes I'm Cold" shirt, which makes me so comfortable, I fall asleep easily
- All the stickers I have collected this year.



My father


  1. Unfortunately, djt takes up more space in my brain than I wish. I really should check out Monk; I always like Tony Shalhoub.

  2. I used to keep a diary as a kid. I wonder what happened to it?

    #6 - Ah - holiday and vacation - two words that mean different things on each side of the pond.




  3. What a fun picture of your father! It looks like he loved to play the piano!

  4. I loooove Monk too!!! and snail mail. And stickers. And I would love if squirrels begged at my back door 😀 (I'm with you on number 8 too)

  5. I have thrown out all of my old journals and diaries. I had one when I was a teenager and my mother read it. That did not go over well.


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...