Thursday, June 22, 2023

Oh My Word!

It was a shock  to turn on the TV this morning and listen to the news from across the country.

First, the sub that was lost looking for the Titanic is still lost and will be out of oxygen some time this morning.

Concert goers in Denver were pelted with huge hail stones

Then, a town in Texas was completely destroyed by a tornado.

Third, officials in South Florida have placed a portion of Broward County under quarantine in response to the recent sighting of a giant African land snail in the area. The giant African land snail eats vegetation and can consume at least 500 different types of plants, as well as paint and stucco.  It is unusually large, growing to be as long as 8 inches as an adult, and can procreate in enormous quantities, laying thousands of eggs at a time. Additionally, the snail carries a parasite called rat lungworm that can cause meningitis making it a serious health risk for humans.

In addition to snails is Florida, there is an invasion of tens of thousands of Mormon crickets swarming towns in the West—causing traffic hazards, emitting a horrible stench, and making people's skin crawl. Thousands are blanketing roads at a time, resulting in slippery driving conditions when squished by car tires. They've gotten so severe in some areas that the Nevada Department of Transportation have begun to use snowplows to rid the highways and streets of the slimy remains, warning drivers on Twitter to beware of conditions. In addition to their disagreeable viscosity, Mormon crickets can wreak havoc on crops and contribute to soil erosion, and their crushed ruins smell awful.

I can't find where it is right now but somewhere on the east part of the country there is an invasion of flies.

There is also an extraordinary heat wave across the southern part of the country, with temperatures up to 108-110 and no electricity, temperatures which are expected to continue for the week.

It feels like reading about the end of the world!

We are lucky to live in California, where the temperature today is in the low 80s and we have no invasion by any creatures other than a couple of squirrels hungry for walnuts.



Walt's sister and her husband came across this guy
while out for a stroll.   


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