Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday 9

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Jolene (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Dolly Parton sings about a woman with great hair, great eyes, a great smile and a great voice. OK, so Jolene has it all. Of these, which is your most attractive feature: your hair, your eyes, your smile or your voice?
It used to be my hair, and I guess it still is, though it's not as attractive as it used to be.

2) Dolly tells us her husband mentions in Jolene in his sleep. Do you talk in your sleep?
I don't know.  Nobody has ever told me I do and I don't stay awake to listen.

3) Dolly has said this song was inspired by a bank teller she caught flirting with her husband. That was in the 1970s. Today we can do our banking from our computers, our phones or a bank ATM. When is the last time you spoke to a banker?
A couple of years ago when we had Ned added to our account.

4) Dolly had a crush on Johnny Cash. When she was just a teen she saw him perform at The Grand Ole Opry and called it "love at first sight." Are you crushing on anyone right now?

5) Dolly is more than a singer/songwriter. She's an industry! Her Dollywood is a theme park, water park, hotel and spa. Looking back on the summer of '24, did you visit a theme park, water park, hotel or spa?

6) A luxury stay at Dollywood can get expensive, unless you're the teacher who wins this year's Chasing Rainbows Award from Dolly. She treats a deserving teacher to a week at Dollywood. Tell us about a teacher who made a difference in your life.
I've talked about Sister Anne before.  She was my typing teacher in my junior year in high school, but she became a friend for the rest of her life and our daughter is named after her.  At one point was going to enter the convent because of her, but she talked me out of it.  Sister Mary William put me on the yearbook staff and made me feel comfortable with my writing.

7) Dollywood is in Sevier County, TN. Her ties to the community are strong, and in 2007, Dolly raised the funds to build a new hospital that opened there in 2010. When you were last in a hospital, were you a patient or a visitor?
The last time was probably 3 years ago, when I had my gallbladder  removed.

8) In 1973, when "Jolene" was popular, Elvis' "Aloha from Hawaii" concert aired. "Aloha" is the native Hawaiian word used when greeting or parting. Can you say anything else in Hawaiian?
How about 
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (a trigger fish).  There was a time many years ago when I wanted to learn Hawaiian, but I can't remember anything else now except mele kalikimaka, Merry Christmas

9) Random question: Have you more recently eaten cold pizza or cold fried chicken?


  1. Yikes. I had no idea how to spell the "mele kalikimaka" thing. I just sounded it out.

  2. My students are always impressed that I can pronounce Queen Liliuokalani (the last monarch of Hawaii).

    1. We stayed at a hotel named for Queen Liliuokalani once

  3. I've travelled to Hawaii a couple times and the thing I remember about the language is: No silent letters. You pronounce 'em all. That helps me smarter than I am when I come upon a Hawaiian word.

  4. Sounds like you had an incredible relationship with Sister Anne.

    1. She's been gone some 30 years and I still miss her!


Missing texts

 It's going to take a long time before I don't miss being able to write to Char.  There were so many things I wanted to tell her abo...