Friday, March 10, 2023


 From Jeri on Facebook:

"Last night my employer held a ceremony in which they honored me for 20 years of service. As is traditional, I wasn't there, because I had a gig....Oh! Bonus! They’re making me a full professor!"


From this site:

You have never seen Donald Trump playing with his grandchildren. Donald Trump has no endearing stories about what Ivanka or Tiffany or Donald Jr. or Whatshisface or Barron were like as young children, of hijinks being jinked, of nursing them when they were sick or laughing with them when they were well. During his time in the White House, Donald's adult daughter and son-in-law were not there to boost their father, but to help manage him. His wife, the current one, rises to his defense only through paid spokescreatures and is seen in his presence about as often as any one of Trump's usual ties. A significant percentage of his family members and business acquaintances have signed paperwork promising not to disparage him in exchange for money.

Donald Trump's extended family hates Donald Trump. Donald Trump's sister expresses revulsion for him. Donald Trump famously retaliated against a brother who filed suit against him by revoking the health insurance of that brother's sick infant child.


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The End

 I started Funny the World in March of 2000 and for most of its life wrote daily entries for nearly 25 years.  But I've decided that it...