Thursday, July 25, 2024


I had a great Swap Bot to fill today.  I've been frustrated at having so many wonderful new postcards, and nobody to send them to.  This swap is called "Piles of Postcards" and you are to send a postcard to ten partners.  What fun!  I read the bios of each of my 10 partners and was able to find the perfect postcard for each of them.  I had such a good time filling out and mailing those postcards.

I'm reading about the governor issuing an order to remove all tents, etc. from the homeless and that it will be against the law to sleep outside if you are homeless.

I've heard this before.  Please tell me where homeless people are supposed to sleep if they have no home?  The governor says they are going to build homeless shelters.  Swell.  But what do they do between now and the time the shelters are built?  Do they just sleep outside anyway, be arrested, and taken to jail where they will have a bed?



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Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every co...