Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Stealing

 Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from League of Extraordinary Pen Pals

1.  What would you put in a time capsule?
A newspaper (by the time the capsule is opened, newspapers probably won't exist any more), a CD of Lawsuit music, a junk journal, and one of my "message" t-shirts.

2.  What’s something you’re really good at?

3.  What part of society would you like to change?
I'd like to change the minds of the MAGA people.

4.  What have you eaten in the past 24 hours?
Not much.  Yogurt, 2 mandarin oranges, and some crackers

5.  What is an unusual fact about you?
I went to a reception and sat at a table with Carol Channing.

6.  Do you collect anything?
Stickers and post cards

7.  Have you played sports?

8.  What is your favorite blog?
The blogs I read regularly are the ones who participate in Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing.

9.  Ketchup vs. mustard?
It depends on what, but probably ketchup

10.  Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?
Yes, I believe in the possibility, though I have had no experience.

11.  The last movie you saw in a theater.
It was so long ago, I can't remember

12.  The silliest thing you have done this week.
I bought a gift for a stranger because I read her wish list on Amazon and it was so amazing, I just couldn't help myself.

13.  Have you ever done anything illegal?
Yes.  I have driven too fast and as a grammar school kid I stole penny chocolates from our corner grocer.

14.  What would you wish for right now?
The ability to wish myself to certain places without having to be driven.

15.  What shoes do you wear the most of?




  1. Yay for Birkenstocks!! I wear them often! I enjoyed the questions and your answers!!

  2. Oh, no, penny chocolates. I KNEW you had a criminal nature!

  3. Did you get in trouble for stealing the chocolates?

  4. I had to look up MAGA - but now I know what it means I agree with you.





names / passwords

 Good lord.  Trying to get anything  done on the internet these days is a pain.  Passwords I have used automatically for years  suddenly don...