Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 I am so disappointed today.  I had plans to meet my friend for lunch today and was really looking forward to it.  I almost never get out and I haven't seen her in about 6 months.  But she texted last night that she can't make it and changed the date to 2 weeks from now.  The worst thing about this is that she and I have been talking politics at these lunches for over 20 years and by the time we finally have our lunch (assuming she doesn't change the date again, which she frequently does), Kamala Harris' nomination will be old news and I really wanted to talk with her about it.

It's interesting watching the Trump organization go after Harris.  The latest I heard is that she can't be an effective president because she has no children (her step children don't count)

The "birtherism" topic has come up too.  She can't be a presidential candidate because her parents were  both foreign students who didn't get citizenship at the time of her birth.  But she was born in a hospital in Oakland, which makes her automatically an American citizen.

Trump wants the upcoming debate NOT to be hosted by CNN, but by FOX instead.  Gee...I wonder why...

And there is some talk of something that happened when she was attorney general in San Francisco.  The hint is that she did something illegal.  Does the Trump organization really want to discuss illegalities with the 34 times convicted felon and an attorney?  Pretty stupid if they do!

See...these are the things I would love to discuss with my friend, but they will be old hat in 3 weeks.



1 comment:

  1. Using this basis, since Trump’s mother was born in Scotland, that would make him only half American and therefore ineligible to run for President.


names / passwords

 Good lord.  Trying to get anything  done on the internet these days is a pain.  Passwords I have used automatically for years  suddenly don...